Examene ECL – prima sesiune in 2010!Examene ECL – prima sesiune in 2010!
Prima sesiune de certificare a competentei in limbi straine pentru anul 2010 are loc sambata 13.02, centrul nostru va organiza{...}
Prima sesiune de certificare a competentei in limbi straine pentru anul 2010 are loc sambata 13.02, centrul nostru va organiza{...}
C cash cow – noun – a product selling very well, making a substantial contribution to the company profit. e.g.{...}
Buyout – noun – the purchase of a controlling interest (or major stake) of a company’s shares. e.g. ” After{...}
Buy in – verb, noun – to obtain involvement of a certain person or group; to convince. e.g. “Did you{...}
B Bon voyage! Drum bun!, Buon percorso! Buen camino! De ce aceasta zicere ??? Pentru ca ne plac limbile straine,{...}
Big bath – noun phrase – an accounting practice to make a certain year’s results seem worse by increasing expenditures{...}
Bank Levy – noun phrase – A procedure to recover money owed by someone forcefully by taking it from their{...}
Bid-asked spread – noun phrase – The difference between the bid and asked prices. Can be used with regard to{...}