ECL exams for language competence – June session!!!ECL exams for language competence – June session!!!
Starting ECL exams June session, good luck to all candidates! ECL certification of language competence is open to everyone who{...}
Starting ECL exams June session, good luck to all candidates! ECL certification of language competence is open to everyone who{...}
First I’d like to say that it was a great pleasure for us to be part of this prestigious event,{...}
Consortiul ELP-DESK project si ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages), organizează si in Timisoara concurs{...}
De fapt “Question of the Day”: citim in Ziarul Financiar ca multi candidati la posturile de medici in tarile europene{...}
Pana la data de 18 martie se mai pot face inscrieri pentru sustinerea examenului de certificare ECL pentru limbi straine.{...}
Current assets – (noun phrase) – Value of cash, stock, receivables etc. that could be converted to cash within 1{...}
Counterfoil – (noun) – the “green” or “yellow” part of a cheque or payment order is received from the bank{...}
Competence gap – noun phrase – the sensible difference between the desired level of competence that is required from an{...}
CFR – Cost and Freight – (named destination port) -The selling company will pay the costs and freight to ship{...}
CAB CAB – one of acronyms used for product or service during a sales presentation. It stands for the sequence{...}