Word of the DayWord of the Day
B Benchmark – verb, noun. – measure, target; to make a comparative analysis regarding your company’s performance and that of{...}
B Benchmark – verb, noun. – measure, target; to make a comparative analysis regarding your company’s performance and that of{...}
In curand vom incepe sesiunile de curs pentru electricieni, pentru prezentarea la examenul de autorizare ANRE din sesiunea de primavara{...}
A.R. A.R. – Acknowledge of Receipt – proof that a person has received some corespondence. May be demanded through post{...}
Proactive Communication – partener al proiectului Liga AC LABS Proactive Communication sprijină în acest an, în calitate de partener educational,{...}
Examinatori acreditati in reteaua ECL Centru National ECL organizeaza o noua sesiune de acreditare examinatori ECL. Printre beneficii se numara:{...}
A ARR – Average rate of return – the ratio of the average cash inflow to the amount invested. E.g.{...}
A ATM … we’re all using this word at least once in a while … “Let me get some cash{...}
Vizitati grupul nostru ECL de pe Linkedin, spatiu de discutii, schimb de experienta si informatii in domeniul certificarii lingvistice ECL.{...}
Un site free, unde pe baza de inregistrare accesezi resurse online. Noi am fost invitati la un teleseminar “Secrets of{...}
Shape up your Business English with us! As of today, gain a fresh bite of business vocabulary to get you{...}