Word of the DayWord of the Day
Competence gap – noun phrase – the sensible difference between the desired level of competence that is required from an{...}
Competence gap – noun phrase – the sensible difference between the desired level of competence that is required from an{...}
Proactive Communication continua seria cursurilor de pregatire pentru electricieni, in vederea sustinerii examenului de autorizare ANRE. Detalii aici.{...}
CFR – Cost and Freight – (named destination port) -The selling company will pay the costs and freight to ship{...}
CAB CAB – one of acronyms used for product or service during a sales presentation. It stands for the sequence{...}
Prima sesiune de certificare a competentei in limbi straine pentru anul 2010 are loc sambata 13.02, centrul nostru va organiza{...}
Incepand cu 1 ianuarie a.c., furnizorii de programe de formare profesionala cu acreditare CNFPA au obligatia sa solicite aprobarea CNFPA{...}
Autoritatea de management a PO DCA (finantarile destinate solicitantilor autoritati publice) a anuntat deschiderea de noi cereri de proiecte precum{...}
C cash cow – noun – a product selling very well, making a substantial contribution to the company profit. e.g.{...}
Buyout – noun – the purchase of a controlling interest (or major stake) of a company’s shares. e.g. ” After{...}