Poster Contest
The ELP-DESK project consortium and the ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages) has launched a poster contest for vocational school students. We expect that each participating team will be formed by two young people, both aged 14-18.
Design a colourful, interesting poster that attracts young people’s attention to the usefulness of the
Europass language passport. Dont’ know what it is? Find it out:
How to participate:
1. Register: If you would like to participate, register your team by sending an e-mail to In
our response we will inform you about all the rules of the contest and we will send you useful
information that will help you design your poster.
2. Implementation: You can make your poster by hand (paint, collage, draw) or you can design it using any digital technique you wish.
3. Compulsory graphical elements:
a. The logo of the Europass Language passport
b. The logo of the elp-DESK project
c. The logo of the ECL consortium
d. The logo of the European Commission Education and Culture DG
4. Deadline for registration: 15 June 2010
5. Deadline for submitting the posters: 20 September 2010
6. Submission Instructions:
Posters may be submitted electronically to the following address:
All contestants should design their posters at 466mmx660mm, 300 dpi and then save a copy that is @72 dpi for initial submission.
I. prize: Notebook with ELP applications installed on it
II. prize: free ECL exam on your choice
III. prize: package of dictionaries and language learning books
Each participating student will get an elp-DESK USB stick that allows user to
expand their standard ELP into an electronic portfolio where they can record,
save and edit evidence of their linguistic skills and competence in various
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This
publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.